Monday, July 4, 2011

Last Week/Lala's Visit!

 This past week, my mom came to visit while Adam was out of town. She got in on Thursday night as we headed to the ER with Annabelle and so she was able to keep Adelyn while Adam and I took Annabelle.
 Friday night she let Adam and I go out on a date and it was great time together!!
 We had such a great week this week together at dance camp! It was soooo nice to have her help to get the girls up and ready and to get them into dance camp etc.

 We also went to a different place for lunch every day. It was fun not to have to cook and for us to take the girls out to wear them out to try to get them to rest! ha!

Lala also got us a wagon and helped us pay for a patio set for our new patio! I can't wait to get it up and going so I can post pictures of it all!

 Annabelle calls lala by her name and Adelyn called her "yaya." Both girls loved playing with her especially when they got her attention by themselves! Annabelle really liked playing with Lala's phone.

 We played outside a lot and even found a new vintage bench to go on our porch for 20$!
 We even tried our hand at shopping with everyone. It didn't work out so well and so our good friend Beth came to watch the girls for me and mom on Thursday so that we could go out and celebrate for my birthday.
 My mom hardly ever misses my birthday but she has the opportunity to go to Alaska on my birthday and I'm so glad she is doing that instead of coming to Ohio! haha! But nevertheless, it was nice to get to celebrate with her while she was here. We went shopping and we decided that we had not been shopping by ourselves since before Annabelle was born! Wow!
 Mom was also here while Annabelle got her tubes so Adam and I were both able to go and she stayed with Adelyn.

 What a blessing to have her here so I didn't have to spend the week by myself! Thank you mom! We miss you already!! We can't wait to see you again!

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