Yesterday, we had our annual, church at the park. It was hot but definitely not as hot as I remember summers in the south so we did just fine. The funny thing is that the girls don't know the difference and that is a little strange to me!
Last year I had to leave early because Adam was doing his thing and I just could not keep up with the girls by myself.
This year, they played their sweet little hearts out! Two pictures up, it was hilarious because Adam was sooo worried about them having enough sunscreen on. It was so funny and cute!! Neither one of them really burns because they have Adam's skin!
We recognized the seniors and had an outdoor worship service.
The youth girls have really started playing with A and A and it is soooo nice for everyone! The girls have a blast with them and I know it makes them feel special that they get extra attention from someone besides me and Adam!
Adelyn was uncomfortable in her dress of course so we just let her run around without it on. It is soooo her anyway and of course Adam had to go around and tell everyone that it was legal to go topless in Ohio. Who knows how he knows that!? haha!
Adam's team of him and James I think won the cornhole tournament of course!! Adam wins everything he ever plays....for real! (In case you are confused by cornhole. It is a northern game. I had no idea what it was until I moved here!)
This morning, our church had a float in the Marysville parade. A HUGE pirate ship to advertise for our VBS and our church. (Our VBS is next week.) Adam rode on it and so the girls and I went to the parade by oursleves.
The girls LOVED the parade. They just stood and watched it and enjoyed eating all of the candy people were throwing off!
Annabelle insisted on wearing her pink shoes today that Lala bought her and we were super duper late so I just gave in! It's cute, whatever gets us out the door!!
This afternoon after the parade, we went to Rocky's for some family time. It is so relaxing there except when this happens.....
Sweet Adelyn is just teething and needed a nap bad but of course can't miss out on anything so the crying didn't last long!
Annabelle was hilarious, she wanted daddy to kiss her mole on her forehead and she wanted to kiss his on his chin! Little kids are sooo funny!!
On Saturday night, Adam and Annabelle went on another "gate" as Annabelle calls it (date to everyone else in the world.) They went to Chick-fil-a and to coupon hahaha!
While they were gone, Adelyn and I ate and played and played and played and even tried big girl panties (with no success.)
It's always fun to get to get to spend special time with just one child to give them my full attention. I feel like it's good for all of us! We have exciting plans tonight! More about our fourth of July celebrations tomorrow.....
I LOVE your new blog design!!! Adorable!!! :)
LOVE the pictures of your sweet girls!!
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