Well, today Crystal had to leave. I was pretty sad about it to be honest.
She just played sooo well with my kids and loved on them so much; it was so fun for me!! Yesterday, we got to go to the park. It was really awesome. I told Crystal that she came on the best three days we have had this year!!
This is the sweetest picture ever and it was so sweet to watch. Annabelle just LOVED swinging like this on Crystal's belly. It was precious!!
We had a little picnic in the park. I told Crystal it was the perfect day, just perfect weather, the girls wore themselves out and took goood naps! It was just great!
Before we headed to the park, we went to our favorite place (JUST KIDDING!!!) the doctor. Adelyn has another ear infection. More on that later....
Annabelle did such a great job at the doctor this time!! She just sat up on the table and colored her paper and then she got to put it on the wall for a treat!!
Annabelle loved Crystal's belly. She actually understood that there was a baby in there and she called him by his name, "Mack." She loved to listen for his heartbeat but mostly just liked to cuddle with him.
Adam kept the girls last night and Crystal and I went to the best Chinese restaurant in town! It was DELISH and Style treated me to! How sweet is she! After that, we went and got everybody ice cream!!
Today, while Crystal was getting ready, the girls and I had a tea party! It was unbelievably hot and we got some great Vitamin d and sun! I am sooo not complaining! I LOVE the hot!!
The first post about Crystal's visit can be found here.
The last picture I took of Adelyn this morning because she put peanut butter right on her nose! haha! She looks sooo sleepy; she has just not been sleeping hardly at all, poor thing! Adelyn has yet another ear infection, BUT we are going to the ENT on Friday and I am praying that goes well!! A few days after this post my sweet friend Kim's dad passed away from cancer. To talk about somebody that has been through a lot in the last few years.....Kim has been through so much it's really almost not believable and the morning after her dad passed away she sent this in her text: "....thankful for the peace that only comes from my heavenly father." That is faith and it speaks volumes through her life devoted to Jesus no matter what.
It was a pleasure to meet Crystal- We all need "Crystal"s in our lives. They add something special just be being who they are- So glad you got to connect with her again.. :) (HUG)
sounds like an amazing time with a great friend.
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