Me, Adam, and the girls hopped in the car after the Beth Moore conference yesterday and headed to Fairfield, Ohio to watch Brittney's precious sister Bethany get married. It was a beautiful wedding and so fun too.
After just leaving the conference, I couldn't help but think of the bridegroom Jesus coming to get his pure spotless bride, ME! What an amazing thought, not only that I could be pure and spotless but that Jesus wants to be my bridegroom!
The theme of the wedding was peacock feather and bright blue like my bridesmaid's dresses and I just loved how different everything was. The couple even danced down the isle after the ceremony which was so Bethany and I loved it!
I love it that Presley, Ab, and Ad can actually play together now. They had soooo much fun with each other and it was so great to hear Ab saying, "I wanna play with Presley!" This means it will be easier to drive and see Brit and let the girls play while we talk!!! :)
I just love her! It was sooo wonderful to see her face! I am thankful to be blessed with such a lasting and true friendship! Love you Brit!!
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