Five years ago I married my best friend. So much has happened in the past five years it is almost impossible to recount it all but some important points are:
our honey moon in Fl,
serving at FBCOB,
all the fun times we had living in our first apartment in Olive Branch,
us going on our first mission trip together to Haiti,
finishing college and us both attending Mid America,
traveling to Israel and becoming great friends with the Nuckolls, moving to Cordova seminary housing,
Adam serving as youth pastor, a worship leader, then media in Olive Branch, having a miscarriage, me having surgery for that,
having Annabelle,
traveling to Key West,
moving to Ohio & serving at a church plant, Living Hope,
having Adelyn,
surviving the winters of snow :),
buying our first house and doing LOTS of work on it,
the trips back and forth to see family,
the girls' first's and Ab's second b-day parties,
Adam doing his "dream job" of leading the church in worship,
working with the youth here,
Christmas' as a family,
Vacations #1 and #2 w the Nuckolls
and this is not including trips to see the razorbacks play, PASSION, the lake house visits, vacations with family, date nights, and so so much more....and so the story continues.....
I cannot imagine any of this without Adam. He is my rock and support like none other. He has been there for me through the hardest of times in my life so far and the very best moments! I am thankful to the Lord for such a strong, godly, forgiving, loving man. Happy 5 year Anniversary Adam!
1 comment:
This is the sweetest post. You seriously have the sweetest family. May God continue to bless, direct and strengthen you all! :)
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