We have had a good week full of good weather which always makes me happy! The picture above just makes me so happy. The Miller girls are just too sweet along with their momma.
I feel like I had stuff to say in this post but now I don't know what it all is so let me just finish by saying that I have so much enjoyed our "family time" lately. It means so much to me that Adam makes that a priority.
Also, tomorrow is the big 5 year anniversary and I am excited about that and the fact that Adam is watching the girls for me so that I can go to Beth Moore! (We are celebrating in September when his parents come to watch the girls!)
I have so much going on in this head of mine, it is impossible to get it all down on paper or on computer I think. I will say that for the past couple weeks my time with the girls has been so precious. I am thankful.
love those sweet pictures of those girls!!! hopwe you all are doing so well! XOXO
Love all the pics! So, so precious!!!
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