Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Praise God for Salvation & Baptism!

I got the opportunity to go to our church's baptism service this week. I never go because my kids nap at 1 on Sunday and the service is usually at 1:30 and it just does not work to make my kids wait or not nap or whatever. This was a special service for me though so we got a babysitter!! First, one of good friend's Emily's sons were being baptized and second, Millie who I posted about here, here and here got baptized. I was overjoyed to see someone who the Lord so graciously allowed me to meet and share Him with get baptized. It was so awesome! Praise God for our church baptizing so many people so far this year; may He always receive all the glory, honor, and praise!!!!

"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15


Ashley McWhorter said...

What an awesome night! God is so, so good!

Heather said...

So awesome!!!