Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Adelyn's still smiling & Baby Oliver

Well, let me tell you a little bit about today. Ok, first off, why would I even write about today since it was not the best most blog worthy day. Well, first, because I have found blogging to be oddly therapeutic, to sit down and write just feels good to me and second, I want Adelyn to get to look back at what all she went through today and see how brave see was... :)

So, I got in to see our doctor at 8:15 this morning. When I got in the nurse commented that Adelyn's color looked off and I just told her that she literally has not slept more than an hour or two in a row for over a month. The nurse then took me in to weigh Adelyn and she had lost 8 ounces and she looked concerned. Then, my doctor comes in and the first thing he comments on is how off Adelyn's color looks (as in she is pale and has dark circles under her eyes.) I told him the same thing I told the nurse. He really already knew this because this was like the fifth or sixth time we have been in to see him in the past 6 weeks. He kept telling me that he thought we are missing something and that now Adelyn is considered to be "not healthy" anymore since she is losing weight and he really wanted to run some tests her. He then put her on a different medicine and said we will see if that helps. So after I got home, I got a phone call from the doctor's office telling me that they got the ultrasound scheduled for today at Nationwide Children's branch in Dublin at 2:00 and about two minutes later they called back and said that they got her GI test scheduled for 4:00 at Nationwide Children's in Westerville. They told me she could not have anything to eat after 10:00 in order to get the GI test done. I was thinking, "Seriously?? I have to make my baby wait 6 hours to eat during the day?" but I knew it was going to be ok because Adam was coming with me and it was for such a good reason. So, at 1:30 off we went to Dublin (about a thirty minute drive from our house.)

Here was the little schmad. You can see the bags under her eyes :(
When we got there they did the ultrasound. She was just looking so intently at Adam. She really does love her daddy; it was sooo good he was there for her.I couldn't help but think of the ultrasounds I had when I was pregnant with her. I always loved to see that little heartbeat.Here she is showing off her little Adelyn bloomers. :)After this it was about 2:30 and we did not know what to do because we had an hour and a half before we had to be at the other Nationwide to get the GI test done and so we drove around and let Adelyn sleep. She cried a lot when it was time for a feeding at about 1:00 but after that she only cried here and there. We were so thankful she fell asleep in the car and she could get a little much needed rest. So, we headed for Nationwide, only I was in the back seat and I was totally out of it (that's what not sleeping for over a month will do to you) and we pulled into Nationwide Children's Hospital in Dowtown Columbus. So we park and walk in and find the GI place and sign in and they call us up to the desk and we are at the wrong Nationwide. I knew we were supposed to be at the Nationwide at Westerville, I just lost it for a few minutes and soooo it was about 3:30 at this point and we got back to our car and headed to Westerville. There was so traffic and it took us forever so I called and told them we were running late and they said that it was ok as long as we made it there by 4:20. Well, the GPS took us to the wrong place (I am not a fan of GPS's ever since I missed my bro in law's wedding because me, Christi, and Riann got lost from following a GPS...anyway, another story for another day) so we got there at 4:23 and I was freaking out to say the least! I just knew we weren't going to be able to keep our appointment BUT God is good and they let us keep our appointment anyway! So, next on the list of tests was a GI test where they put Adelyn under an x-ray machine and x-rayed her while she got this chalk like stuff out down her throat. I say put down her throat because they tried to give it to her in a bottle and she absolutely would not take it, even though she had not eaten in 6 plus hours! So, they had to syringe it in and she was not happy about this at all! So here we are about to get her test done. They had her in this little hospital gown and me in an x-ray robe thing. Look at her smiling.
Next, it was time for blood work. Here is daddy warming up her foot so it is easier to draw blood. I hate blood so daddy definitely gets this job. Adelyn was such a trooper, she did not even cry until the very end.After all of this, we were exhausted to say the least and we knew we needed some food and we also knew we were close to a sonic which is a HUGE deal for us because this is the closest sonic and it is 40 minutes away from our house. Sonic is definitely one of my favs and it all started for me in college when we would go there every single day!! And since Annabelle was with a babysitter we decided we had to stop and see baby Oliver! He was so precious and tiny and Maly looked fabulous of course!!! I cannot wait for Oliver and Adelyn to be great friends!And last but not least, here is Adleyn smiling as we are leaving the hospital. I swear she is the smiliest baby....ok maybe not in the middle of the night but then again maybe she does and I just can't see them in between the crying episodes. This is the reason why it was so hard for anyone to believe she had any kind of a problem because she would always smile and smile at the doctor's office. I can still see those little bags under her eyes though and I am praying for more answers. The ultrasound looked good, as far as everything is in the right place formed correctly etc so tomorrow we wait for a phone call about the GI test and the blood work. I pray there is nothing wrong with either of them and that we just haven't found the right reflux medicine for Adelyn. Either way, I'm so glad we went and got all the tests done; we had to know for sure. I know all this craziness is going to come to an end soon.

This was the verse that God kept bringing up in my mind and yesterday I finally wrote it down and was meditating on it and decided to look it up in the amplified version. "You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You." Isaiah 26:3. Wow. This is just what I needed today; thank you God for giving us just what we need when we need it!


Ben and Audrey said...

sweet adelyn. i have to admit i was in tears reading this post. its SO close to home with what Jovie is going through. seeing those bags under Adelyn's eyes just broke my heart. i wish i could hold her! i really believe that you & adam did the right thing by getting her tested. i know its so hard to watch them fuss & hurt, so its good that you are making sure you're doing all you can for her. please know i'm praying for you, adelyn & adam to get some sleep. immediately. even if it means she sleeps with you! whatever works at this point.

love you girl. hang in there.

Heather Bug said...

Oh Ashley, that Adelyn is ADORABLE!! She had to go through all that and is STILL smiling! What a trooper! :) I'll be praying for her and that you will get answers and she will start sleeping through the night. I know it has to be so hard not sleeping!! SO glad the ultrasound came out okay. I'll be checking in to see how the bloodwork comes back. Y'all are adorable! I'm glad you got some Sonic! :)

Lane said...

Wow! What a day! God in His amazing ways actually put your family on my mind a few times yesterday and I prayed for you. I had no idea what you were going through! Isn't He good?!

Allie said...

I am so glad your Doctor noticed and took charge to get the tests done. On the Sonic note, we love it too! Whenever we are near the one at Polaris we stop to get slushies!

Jessica Kenney said...

What a day! Praying for you guys! She looks so sweet.

Lindsey said...

sounds like such a long day. i hope the test give you guys some answers!

i totally understand your sonic issue....everytime we pass one i feel like we should stop. i miss it being 3 blocks from the dorm.

Ashley Fisher :) said...

It seriously means so much to me that all of you take the time to read and comment and encourage me! I appreciate you!!!