Anyway, today marks a beginning to a new journey with me and food, a first for me for sure. By now all of you know that we are having a terrible time with Adelyn's reflux and it was suggested to me that I cut out dairy in order to see if she has a milk aversion. If she had a full blow milk allergy she would have blood in her stools or a rash or something like that and she doesn't but her system could not digest it easily or something so I say it is worth a try to see if it helps. I am going to try this for two weeks. Two weeks without dairy is going to be hard. This means no milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream but I can do it to see if it helps my sweet Adelyn. I know some of you must be thinking, why would you not just give up nursing to see if that helps. Well, that has crossed my mind but I have multiple reasons for not doing this and I will share since you asked. :) 1) There is no guarantee it would help and we all know breast milk is better for baby than formula and since she is gaining weight etc the doctor has encouraged me multiple times not to quit 2) I do not want formula stains and spit up everywhere 3) She won't take a bottle right now. We have tried 3 different kinds as of now. We are still tying. This is by far the best reason. Ok so you see my dilemma. So, this morning on my no dairy diet I had my "cereal" only I did not put milk in it. Weird but hope it helps.
Ok, so going along with the food theme in this blog post. I have some favorites that I want to share with you. I have trouble at lunch time, nursing, feeding Annabelle and eating myself so I started buying these healthy choice all natural meals and I looove them! They have 300-350 calories and they have real ingredients and no preservatives!
when you asked me yesterday if milk affected acid reflux & i told you that my doctor's said no, i wasn't even thinking of a milk allergy.
Jack did have a milk allergy & it lasted for about 2 months & then it just went away. i had to cut out all dairy & when he was on formula (1 time per day) he took Similac Alimentum. it worked wonders for him. once he hit about 5 months of age, the allergy went away & never came back. i wanted to tell you this to let you know it is a possibility. you just never know.
you are such a good mom & i'm so proud of you for trying anything possible to her adelyn. ben & i prayed for her, you & adam last night. we love you. please let me know how the dr goes!
We eat either sweet potato or broccoli almost every night. They are so good for you, AND so affordable. =) I just said a prayer for you guys. I know how hard reflux and not sleeping can be, and I can't imagine the increased level of difficulty involved by adding another little one to the mix.
Ashleigh, Is it acid reflux that adeline has? Maddie had that. It's so hard. I never cut out doc said that wasn't proven to help for acid reflux. Maybe that will help you though!!! I just put her on the meds the doc suggested and it really helped...i think it was like a tiny drop of zantac or something. Sounds bad. But, it helped and there were no side effects or anything. Really...I just think some babies are going to have that digestion issue and it just takes time and growth to get over it. Sometimes there is no solution...but just little things that make it a little better. It was REALLY hard to come to terms with that...I wanted it to be fixed!! I hope it gets better for you though! It's NO fun.
For a brief time when Hannah was little I cut out milk. It did help! I gradually added it back in as she got regulated...if that's the right word. I think I was in dairy overload so it helped her to go cold turkey on it for a few days. I think when they are so small every little gas bubble and stomach churn is so hard for them to deal with, so any little thing can possibly help. Hoping it works for you!!
Also, PLEASE share your granola recipe! We are granola fans here but I haven't made just plain granola on my own. I've done granola bars which are yummy scrumptious, and I feel so much better eating those than the store bought kind! We eat granola bars like crazy around here!
I just recently tried the exact same Healthy Choice meal "Pumpkin Ravioli" and LOVED it!! YUM!! I totally {heart} sweet potatos but no one in my family will eat them. I don't get it...seriously. And you know I am a granola fan. Did you find a better recipe? Hang in there Miss Ashley... :)
If you want a better yogurt low in sugar try greek style. It is plain, low and sugar and very thick and creamy.
Thanks so much for your encouragement and suggestions everyone!! Cara, I did not find a better granola recipe than yours! I love yours! Have you ever tried it with chocolate chips in it? Nicole, you can find the recipe on Cara's blog at
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