I took pictures of the girls yesterday before we headed out for church because these are the little dresses we got them from Mexico!
I love that very first picture...I think it's funny. It looks like the girls are teenagers or something. (:
I love how Annabelle loves to love on baby these days. Also, Ad has been talking sooo much lately and yesterday when she woke up she was running around downstairs saying, "Where's daddy?" It was soo cute!
Annabelle looked like such a big girl in a ponytail! I couldn't get over it; she is getting sooo tall!
We had a great service in our new building yesterday!! It was so exciting! (Well, it's not officially ours, long story, but will be soon!!)
I had the girls in the service by myself and was extremely blessed with my friend Tammy and Carmyn helping me in the service. I seriously could not have kept the girls by myself!
After church, Carm came over and we decided to have a tea party. It was fun! I thought baby would just run around and not want to participate but I was so wrong. She LOVED having a tea party with all of us!
Adam had to go and set up for VBS this week so we had a girls day. It was fun! The girls just act soooooooo much better since they have gotten their tubes. Just overall happier. What a blessing!!
In other news, I have been saying a prayer with Annabelle and cuddling a little bit before she goes to sleep. It takes a lot of time but I feel like she thinks this is important that I give her some undivided attention.
It's funny because last night I prayed and then she asked if she could pray and she said, " God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food." It was so cute. It's the only way she knows how to pray. Then, I just laid in silence to cuddle with her and she said, "Momma will you talk with me?" It was precious and so I asked her what her favorite part of the day was and she said, "chips" because she had chips for lunch. haha. I loved it.
Well, off to play....Happy Monday. (:
those are adorable dresses! on very adorable girls, of course! love the bond that your girls so obviously have. precious moments indeed
Your girls are so precious!
Love the dresses ;)
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