I am so incredibly blessed to have such wonderful dads in my life. I know that sounds a little weird so let me explain. Adam is a wonderful daddy to Adelyn and Annabelle. I never could ever imagine a better father for them. Although he seems so macho, the girls most definitely bring out his soft side and it has been good for him to find a soft side he never had growing up with all brothers!
Adam is one of those extremely involved dads and I know he always will be for the girls. He helps me more than I give him credit for and is so patient with me. He is so great at having tea parties and telling the girls they look pretty. I love you Adam. You are the best father any little girl could ask for! Happy Father's Day!
This is one of my absolute favorite pictures of my dad. Isn't it so fun to see your kids with their grandparents? My dad has always been there for me when I needed him. He has always found a way to make something work if I needed him to drop everything for me. I love my dad so very much and really wish I lived closer to him. I love the way your relationship with your parents changes once you have kids. I most definitely have a difference perspective and appreciation for my dad now that I have the girls. Thank you dad for being a godly example for me always. Your the best! Love you! Happy Father's Day!
Also, I have my father in law. I am so thankful for him because he raised Adam in a godly home and taught him the important thing in life is to love God. There is no better gift than a christian heritage! Also, he is so fun with the girls as well. He has a special song he always sings to them that they enjoy and they really like swinging with him on the back porch at Marmie and PapaDaddy's house! We love papadaddy!!
Happy Father's Day!
1 comment:
Happy Father's Day !!! Have a Nice Day !!! Best Regards from Mr Lonely at http://www.lonelyreload.com .. do visits my blog when free.. XD
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