Thursday, September 9, 2010

This past week we.....

I haven't been up on my blogging lately. I feel like a lot has been going on (which is pretty unusual for us :) ) and I have not blogged about any of it. I might blame the fact that I am completely addicted to the Twilight series?!?!

On another note, our washing machine is broken. I'm kinda freaking out, it has been about a week and we found out the news that it is officially broken and I anticipating putting all my clothes in the bath tub and washing them...seriously! I do a load a day so I am majorly behind!!

Anyway, These pictures are all from the past week. I already blogged about Presley's birthday on Saturday but these are the other pictures from this past week. I cannot tell you what day these things happened; the days seem to run together :) but I wanted it all to here for my own documentation.

This past week....

Adelyn started pulling up on things (no crawling yet close but no yet)..

I took both of the girls to get mine and Annabelle's hair cut. I almost wish someone would have had a video camera there. It was hilarious; I knew I was crazy doing it but I did it anyway and I don't regret it bc like I said, it was hilarious me trying to keep up with these two!!

This was Annabelle's second haircut. She did great until Sarah (the hairdresser) got out the flat iron and then she freaked out because she is scared of steam...haha. You have to know Annabelle; she is scared of EV-E-RY-THING! She's just really girly like her mommy! :)

There has been a lot of sister loving at our house.

Adelyn had her allergy testing for all of her issues.

It was really hard for me to be there but I also couldn't imagine me not being there so Adam kept Annabelle and I went with Adelyn. We got the best news!!! She is not allergic to milk or at least she does not have a strong allergy to it which is great! She did not come up strongly allergic to anything; we were absolutly thrilled and feel like our prayers have been answered about our sweet baby!

My sweet mom sent the cutest little cheerleading uniforms for the girls!! She lives in Arkansas so it is easier for her to get these things! I can't wait for them to wear them Saturday!!!

We also attended our friend Caleb's first birthday party. He is the cutest and his mom is one of my favorite people.

She made this cake. Isn't it aweosme!?!

Annabelle loved eating the cupcakes of course...

and Adelyn just liked playing with someone else's toys!

We have been at the park almost every day because the weather has been sooo nice!!

Annabelle wants the baby to swing in this swing so I just push her a tiny little bit. It is funny though to see such a little baby in this swing.

Annabelle has become obsessed with hats and she loves wearing them backwards.

We have been to the mall; one of our favorite places; we love to go and walk around and hang out.

We also went to our town's (yes I said town bc it is one) new ice cream shop. It was very very yummy!

We have also killed 4 hugo spiders in our house. It gives me the creeps even typing this!

Annabelle is loving her sidewalk chalk. We wrote all the letters on the sidewalk and she goes around and points to them and says what they are; it is soo cute.

Annabelle has also always been a biter but this week she bit Adam for the first time and it tore his skin. I know terrible picture. It was sad and Adam was mad. (Notice her magic wand in the picture though...haha :) )

We have throughly enjoyed playing outside as much as we could.

and of course we took our visit to McDonalds to play and eat ice cream and such!

What a whirlwind of a week it has been. We don't have much planned for the weekend except me figuring out how I am going to get my laundry done oh and maybe painting a dresser I bought at a yard sale oh and of course reading Twilight!! So excited that tomorrow is Friday and Adam is off work!

Writing all of this has made me realize how much I enjoy the day to day with the my family. I am truly blessed; may I never forget it.


Ben and Audrey said...

i love the posts about day to day life. they are the things i want to remember the most about this time.

i was thrilled to hear that adelyn doesn't have major allergies. i've been praying for her!

love your sweet girls! they are getting so big so fast! miss you friend!

Heather Bug said...

Ashley, you are so cute!! I would totally wash my clothes in the tub! That's a great idea!!! That is wonderful that Adelyn is not allergic to anything!! YAY!! :) LOVE the cheerleading outfits! GO HOGS!! We're about to go to the game. :) Love you!

Allie said...

I only use my washer once a week so you are welcomed here to wash anyday but Mondays. I cant wait till Annabelle moves up to our 2-3 class at LH!