Saturday, September 11, 2010

Little Cheerleaders, Dirty Laundry, & Music

My two little cheerleaders :) We went to Walmart today and everyone was a little confused by us. Ohio State is ranked number 2 and everyone in Ohio is for sure fans to the max and we went to Walmart in Red and White but our clothes said Arkansas. :) It was funny!

Daddy and his cheereladers (as opposed to football players. He never ever thought he would have girls that is for sure!)

me and the girls. I look more like an Alabama fan don't I? I like Alabama too though, besides the fact that they are in the SEC, my brother graduated form there last May! Yah!

I love sweet kisses

and sweet babies

Their sister love makes me smile!

We had to give Annabelle a sucker for her to even think about letting us take pictures of her; she was kind of in a mood. What can you expect, she's almost 2. :)

Sweet Adelyn loves to be held what can she say!

Annabelle and her boyfriend

Brayden again. He's too cute!

I can't believe I got Annabelle to put shoes on. She has refused all closed toed shoes saying they hurt so I think it is time for new shoes!

Yesterday, the Moseley's were gracious enough to let us come over and use their washer and dryer! I was so glad; becasue I hate to looming feeling that I have loads and loads of dirty laundry to do! We had sooo much fun there too; we love them to peices.

Adelyn loved Oliver's bounce and play!

Oliver looks just like his daddy!!

Sweet Ryley

Oliver and his Daddy...see what I mean

They have an awesome playgorund in their backyard too! yah!

Of course the guys fit in some golf.

Ryley and Annabelle loved swinging together; me and merm love it that they are such good friends now!

They also had a swing that was low enough for Annabelle and she LOVED swinging in the big girl swing!! It was so cute!!

I am so thankful for the Moseley's friendship. I couldn't have imagined having such wonderful friends so far away from home!

I also had these pictures of Adam and the boys playing on Wednesday night. I hardly ever post pictures of Adam on here so I had to include them!!

I'm so glad Adam gets to play for the youth. Selfishly I would love him to come home and be with us on Wednesday nights but I know it is important for him to be there and get to know the teenage guys.

So, there is the hodge podge. We are still watching the HOGS! :) WHOOOO PIG SOOIE!!!


Heather said...

We are watching the game, too, and thank goodness the second half has been better!!! :) I love the girls in those cheerleading outfits. I think I might need to get one for my Avery Kate!!! :) GO HOGS!!

Nink said...

Loved the hodgepodge post! :) Your girls are soooo cute in their cheerleader outfits! It looks like you have a wonderful life surrounded by wonderful people!

just the two of us! said...

these pictures are so sweet! your little girls are precious!