Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Today I took Adelyn to her six month doctor appointment. We are a little behind because Adelyn is almost 7 months but oh well; she did really well. She wore this adorable outfit my brother's fiancee Emily gave her; I love it! I took her picture while we were there and it reminded me of Annabelle's six month appointment when I took this picture.

We had just moved to Marysville when Annabelle was six months old and I was still adjusting majorly. It's so weird that now it feels like home; I mean weird in a really good way. I guess since we have spent our first Christmas here (and Thanksgiving) and brought Adelyn home from the hospital here it is just home now.

I flew to Little Rock, Arkansas from the beach and spent the night with my brother and sister in law. (My sister in law Christi is due with baby Braley today!!!) She was so nice to let me stay there since she was so pregnant and all. Anyway, so Adam had Annabelle and Mrs Jennifer or Marmie (Adam's mom) took Adleyn for the weekend so I could go and do wedding stuff and then I came back and picked her up on Sunday morning to go to the airport. Well, we flew from Little Rock to Chicago and then we got stuck. I will spare you the details but to say that spending 10 hours in the airport with a baby was no fun but we did make it home that night and I was sooo thankful! This is Adleyn being sweet in the airport. (I assure you she was not like this the whole time but I can say she did the best she could; it wa sa rough situation.)

Last night, we all sat down at the dinner table to eat and then I realized I forgot something so I got up and Annabelle looked at Adam and said, "Pray?!" like, "Are you people going to pray or what, I'm ready to eat!" It was the cutest funniest thing!! I love that little girl!

Yesterday was the best day. I was so glad to be home. I have decided that breaks for me are now a must. It just refreshed me. I need to take time to remember how good I really have it!

No more trips for us for a while and to tell you the truth I'm kinda glad. I like our "normal" life. (haha)

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