Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Snack Time at the Fisher House

Adelyn tried her first snack food today. The doctor encouraged me to try rice with her again and so I tried with these rice puffs and she did soo good.

I anticipated she wouldn't get them in her mouth on the first try but she did and she liked them a lot so I decided to try a sippy cup too.

Annabelle at snack time. She was not into the photo shoot. haha

Sippy cup time. She did really well with that too! I'm so proud of her. I think having her sister doing the same thing across the table helped a lot!

Annabelle with bear of course.

The lighting is terrible but they were so cute so I had to post the picture. I love when they wake up form nap time about the same time and we can have snack time together.
It was another good day at the Fisher house. I am so proud of sweet Adelyn; she is moving through staging too fast!

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