Annabelle just looked so cute walking to the beach!
Annabelle absolutely LOVED the ocean! I feel like she would have just walked right into it and never stopped! She thought the waves were playing a game with her. It was soooo cute! It makes me so excited for Adelyn to be her age next year; I bet she will love the waves too!
AB is definitely a daddy's girl!
I just loved this picture of Adam and Adelyn. Adam is seriously the best dad ever. I feel like I am hard on him sometimes because I am a lot more high strung than him (and a lot more is an understatement) but I do think Annabelle and Adelyn couldn't have a better daddy.
Adelyn hung out here and watched us swim a lot. She had fun in the shade.
This was my attempt at getting a shot of the girls on the balcony. The pictures explain how that went...haha.
There was a little sandbox underneath our house and Annabelle really enjoyed playing in it.
Lala helped us a lot and we were so thankful!
Sweet Adleyn just playing by herself again.
Annabelle and daddy swimming. She liked to swim with daddy best...surprise surprise.
He blew up this floaty thing for her and she decided to help him. It was soo funny.
Adelyn liked to swim with daddy too of course.
Kisses for Lala.
Crazy hair I know but I loved the family pic. Also, I got SUPER burned so I had to wear a t-shirt all week. I forgot I was a mommy that never really gets to get out in the sun. I used to never ever burn. I guess those days are over.
Say cheese Annabelle :)
Playing with bubbles; one of her favorite things to do.
Sweet Adelyn hanging out.
The gang. My aunt Janice pays for the house and everyone on my mom's side of the family just gets to come to the beach for free! How awesome is that? I would say there were about 30 of us there.
James and Adam
Andrea and her sister
Andrea's mommy and Cathy
Crystal and Alvin. Funny pic. :)
Aunt Janice and Uncle Mike. We always kid and say that maybe Aunt Janice had me instead of my mom because me and my aunt have so much in common; we both love clothes, eating healthy, and running and much more.
Crystal and me.
My mom watched Annabelle for us one morning so Adam and I could take a walk on the beach.
They watched Dora of course.
A super scary crab we saw on our walk.
Aunt Janice and Adelyn
Alvin and Adelyn
Our family
me and AB playing in the waves
Lala and Adelyn
The tar balls were no big deal at all; I just had to document them being there.
The house we stayed in. Adam and I had one of the master suites and Adelyn slept in the closet and Annabelle slept in the bathroom. They both had their sound maker so it was no big deal. Adelyn didn't sleep well at all but you know, she's Adelyn, what can you expect?!
The sandbox Annabelle loved.
The house from the front.
I just LOVE the beach and getting to spend all that time with my family. I miss them so much! I am already excited about next year!!
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