I love their little profiles though. They are so sweet!
Of course this post is going to be random. Can you expect any less of me at this point. haha! When I used to read other people's blogs (I haven't in sooo long) but when I did, I saw these things called "green monster's" on food blog all the time. I decided to try one with these ingredients and it was soooo yummy and BOTH girls like them too! You don't even taste the spinach, all you taste is banana! :) I know you think I'm crazy (I already know I'm crazy, it's ok.)
This weekend I also did some looong awaited projects. I was pleased with how they both turned out and look in my house! yah!
Last night I learned all kinds of things about respect like how important a man's job is to him and his self esteem. How his responsibility (and not his right) is to be the head of the household and how that comes with all kinds of responsibilities that I don't want including laying down his life for his family and especially his wife if need be. I learned how in "guy world" everything is done in hierarchy and so they feel so belittled when we come at them like we are over them, like we have the authority but they still have the responsibility to be the leader. I was reminded of how important shoulder to shoulder time is to men. We talked forever about all of these things last night at 11:00 pm (why do we put our kids to bed soo late) and it was so good! :)
Annabelle insists on doing everything herself. This is how her bathing suit ended up today. haha
Also, in my Daniel study today:
"We try to get joy through entertainment. We pay someone to make jokes, tell stories, and perform dramatic actions, sing songs. We buy the vitality of another's imagination to divert and enlighten our own poor lives. The enormous entertainment industry in America is a sign of the depletion of joy in our culture. Society is a bored, gluttonous king employing a court jester to divert it after an overindulgent meal. But that kind of joy never penetrates our lives, never changes our basic constitution. The effects are extremely temporary-a few minutes, a few hours, a few days at most. When we run out of money, the joy trickles away."
Eugene Peterson.
Wow. Lots for me to think on today.
1 comment:
John and I did the Love and Respect book this past winter and LOVED it!
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