Thursday, June 9, 2011


 Monday, right before lunch, Adam left to go to work and then to youth camp. I tried to keep the us super busy while he was gone so I wouldn't miss him too much!
We played for a  long time outside with the water hose. I actually left Annabelle outside with our neighbor Braiden. It was the very first time I let her play outside without me. I was watching her from the window most of the time. I thought it was a big deal of course. :)

After long naps :) the girls and I decided to head to the water park in Dublin....only I didn't know that they turned the water off at 5:30 so we missed it but we stayed a played for a long while anyway and we even had a little picnic.

Tuesday morning, the church play group was at Memorial Park at 10:30 and we brought snacks and hung out with our church friends. I didn't get any pictures because I was busy chasing too little ones around but it was fun. I throughly enjoyed every bit of the sun this week, even if it was hot!

After lunch played outside some more.
And of course, we HAD to draw with chalk! I have noticed that Annabelle has started drawing some of her letters. I have no idea when they are supposed to learn how to do this but I love it that she always draws "A"s...obviously our family's favorite letter. ha!!

After very very short naps, :( we went back to the water park because I promised Annabelle that we would see the water again since we didn't the day before. Obviously, they like it, Adelyn more than Annabelle of course. Annabelle was very scared. She especially did not like the boy with the water gun!

Next, I treated the girls and myself to a little Panara. They were really good! We sat at a booth for almost an hour, which I think might be a record! Annabelle got mac and cheese and was sooo very excited about it. She has really started eating more lately and I'm so glad. I wasn't ever worried, per say, about it but I think now that she is more active because she plays outside etc, it makes her more hungry and I am just glad to see her eat!
 On Wednesday morning, Ashley (the one on the left) came over and we headed to camp (about 40 minutes away) to visit everyone. It was also Ashley's birthday so it was fun for her to celebrate with her mama who was there as a counselor.
 This is her moma, sweet Beth who just loves and loves on my kids. She watched our kids while Adam and I did the swing (post here.) She is such a godsend!

The girls, Ashley, and I had fun visiting with everyone but couldn't stay long because it was hot and the girls were getting sleepy so we went home about 3:00. The girls never did take a nap which was what I was afraid of sooooooo we headed to.....SONIC! I debated if I should go or not, seeing as it was so far away but I decided the cost in gas, if it gave me sanity, was worth it. ha!
The girls even got a balloon! It was hilarious too because I brought our dinner but got the girls some tater tots to share. (I just really wanted a drink from there in case you are confused.) And after we were all finished with our meal, Annabelle said, "Can I have a milk shake mama?" I don't know why but it was hilarious, maybe because we never ever go to sonic or because I didn't even know she knew what a milk shake was but anyway, it was fun.

 Every night Adam was away, we went to play at our friend's the Moseley's swing set. It was just nice for the girls to get to play by themselves there and they loved every second of it! I couldn't help but take these videos of them last night! SO cute!!

This morning, we had a play date with one of my friends, Cara and her precious girls. They played with my girls for hours and it was soo wonderful to see them all having so much fun! It was also fun because, even though Adelyn doesn't talk yet, I see how she is soooo a people person because she just loves it when friends come to play!

And before we knew it this afternoon, Adam was home!!!!

The title of this post is "We made it" because we made it this week without Adam but I have to thank God truly. I know it might sound a little dramatic, but we had such a great week and I feel like it was God's grace to me. I really did desire to glorify Him with my attitude this week as Adam was gone and I would have loved to be there. I had no major break down or crying sessions and I spent a lot of time praying, which I desperately need to do more of!!!! I know that He loves me and wants the best for me and I was at total peace this week knowing that I did the right thing by staying home with my kids this week. It was a special time and a great realization that I can do it, not by myself, but with God's help. 

Also, I listened to some really good radio thingys by Beth Moore about being a mom this week that can be found here, here, and here.

Tomorrow, I want to write about some things I learned this week, but Adam is waiting on me to hang out sooooo I better go! 



Claire said...

Sounds like a lovely week. I'm so glad it went well.


Ashley McWhorter said...

So fun! I did camps with my husband for almost 8 yrs. Even took the kids some of the times for the whole week. They loved it! It breaks my heart that y'all live SO far from Sonic. We visit there just about every other day!! :)

Crystal @ Ordinary Days said...

I remember how hard it was when my girls were that little. They are almost 6 and 8 now. Now it is a piece of cake most of the time! You are a great Mommy. :)

Ashley said...

Oh I LOVE all of the pics! I love to see all of their adorable outfits ;)