Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Painted Nails & Thankful Tuesday

On Sunday, Carmyn came over and painted Annabelle's hands and feet. She even put stickers on her nails. It was the cutest thing ever to watch! I am so thankful for how much Carm loves Annabelle. Annabelle just doesn't "take" to too many people and she really likes Carmyn. It's sweet.

Today is also Thankful Tuesday!! I have soo much I want to write here about my biblestudy but I will again save it for another time!

I am thankful for:
1) Adelyn pee peeing in the potty twice today!! (post on that tomorrow)
2) My run w Mrs. Gleason tonight
3) My Savior's endless mercy
4) that He is NEVER finished with teaching me old and new lessons
5) how the Word has come alive to me this week!!
6) the SUN!!
7) that I got to play ultimate last night and LOVED it!
8) my mom is coming sooooon!!!
9) something I can't write write now but am sooo thankful for: (I'm not pregnant!!)
10) Adam and our good convos lately

1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name, make known His deeds among the people!

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