My sweet Adelyn is a year and a half old! I seriously cannot believe it in a way! I cannot believe my baby is getting so big!
Adelyn, you are such a fun and spunky little girl! You look so much like your daddy in this picture and really always! We still call you "baby" instead of Adelyn most of the time and we decided that we like it! :)
There are so many wonderful and fun things about you at this age. You are ALWAYS on the go! You are into everything and can run faster than any kid your age! This definitely keeps me on my toes!!
You are so smiley and have not been sick at all since you have gotten your tubes. You feel a million times better now and we are so incredibly thankful!
You still prefer sweets over any other type of food and I'm sure it doesn't help that you cannot have milk and so you drink sooo much OJ every day. :) It has extra calcium to help your little bones grow!
You still reflux a lot when you have dairy so we let you have only small amounts of it. It is hard to do and we pray that one day you will grow out of the intolerance to dairy.
You are soooo independent and I cannot decide if it is because you are a little sister or if it is just your personality; I guess only time will tell. But, also, right now, you have a soft place for your mama and I just love it. You prefer me over anyone else and it makes me feel so special and loved.
Adelyn, you still adore dogs and have even started barking and making panting sounds. :) You call dogs, "pa's" and it has carried over to every other animal too.
I love to play dress up with you because you are so darn cute but you prefer to be in play clothes where you don't cut up your knees when you fall or climb. If you had your way you would be in your diaper all day long!
You spend most of your day running away from me and running and playing and fighting with your sister.
You very much enjoy to play outside. You wear 12-18 month clothes. You are short and stubby for your age and I think you are the cutest little chuck I have ever seen!
Adelyn, you hug and kiss all the time and you can be super duper cuddly when you are very sleepy! You speech has been a little delayed because you had so many ear problems but your speech is taking off now. You try to say anything we ask you to say but most recently you try to say, "sister," "cold," "hello," "pa." I have been trying to teach you eyes, nose, ears, and mouth but you are still trying to figure it out.
Adelyn, you are my sweet little baby. I am so thankful to God for your life and how He has taught me so much through you already. You are so much fun to be around and bring a liveliness to our home! I tell people all the time that I cannot wait to see what all you say when you really begin to talk because it is going to be so fun and funny. You are such an entertainer and just the life of the party! You are exactly like your daddy in almost every way (except you are prettier! :) ) Adelyn, I pray I can be the mommy you need me to be and I pray you grow to accept Christ at a young age and grow to love Him more than you love yourself.
Love you sweet Adleyn!
1 comment:
Thanks for the comment about El Olam. I am enjoying this book so much. I love your blog. Your girls are precious!
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