Friday, October 15, 2010

More Tea Parties and Visitors! :)

Annabelle, Adelyn, and I had a tea party the other day. Well, we do most every day, but this day was super special because Annabelle has started kissing Adelyn on the lips and it is the cutest thing ever!!

I am LOVING the weather these days and I am so sad that it will be winter soon but we are going to keep on loving the weather while we can!! :) Love these sweet girls; God knew what He was doing when He gave me girls!!

Also, last night, Adam's aunt Linda Gail and Uncle Ricky came to visit us! As you know, I love house guests and so I was really excited!! We played Catan after the girlies went to sleep! Of course, I almost won but Adam slipped right by me and stole it from me; he always beats me at everything!!

And this afternoon they took us to Panara for lunch!!! It was soooo awesome seeing as Panara is my favorite place here!!

Annabelle really took to "Nana Gail" and Annabelle wanted her to carry her everywhere. It was so sweet!!

We always sit both of the girls in high chairs when we eat and I wonder what people think sometimes, but hey, it works for us! :)

Annabelle had Nana Gail's necklace on and she even put lipstick on too!! Annabelle had a blast!!

We could have these kind of visitors all the time!! They were so wonderful with the girls and we enjoyed lunch and our conversation and prayer time so much! Come and see us again soon Nana Gail and Papa Ricky!! We love ya'll!!!

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