My sweet baby. I just had to document what I do with her now when I have to go to the bathroom. :)
Annabelle's hair has gotten soo crazy and she has cookie on her face; she is probably loving it!
We play this game where someone hides behind the couch and scares the people on the other side of the couch. While writing this I realized it seems kinda weird...haha but that's how we are around here so... :)
Outside in our chairs my mom brought us!
I can't believe it actually seems like Annabelle is posing in this picture; she NEVER does this on purpose. I think she was in a particularly good mood that day though.
lots of kisses
and hugs
Annabelle does this new thing where she tries to sit in Adelyn's lap. I die laughing every time because you would think she would realize that she is way to big for that but oh well; it is funny!!
We switched it for them.
The pictures above were from Thursday I think. I feel like a crazy person these days; I cannot remember anything. Anyway, we had a good weekend. On Friday I took a personal day......haha....just kidding; Adam let me have from 3-7 to do whatever I wanted and so I drove around, went to the thrift store, starbucks, did my nutrition counseling, went to Walmart and then came home. It was fun and very relaxing. I had been a bad week; there is no better way to put it and so I enjoyed my break. I also LOVED driving up and seeing the girls faces and hearing Annabelle yell, "MOMMY!" It was the best feeling ever.
I took the rest of these pictures today. Adelyn looks so sad but she isn't she is just watching "Dora." I just love her eyes in this one.
I also ADORED Annabelle's outfit today (but this is a bad pic of it!) My step mom sent it to me a while ago and I was waitng for Annabelle to fit in it. It is a 12 month outfit so I think I might try it on Adelyn soon! :) I think they are going to be wearing the same size soon, hey, that might be pretty convient!
Adelyn got lots and lots of kisses today!
Me and my baby doll
Our attempt at me with both.......never ever works :)
Adam and his baby dolls
me and the schmaz
I just thought this was cute; she does this a lot!
On Saturday night I had my friends Mille and her husband and two boys and our new friends the Borgerdings over (the one's with four kids 6 and under). I took all these pictures and then remembered that I didn't have my memory card in (see what I mean about being a little crazy!) So, no pictures but we had an amazing time. Me and Tabitha just click. I can tell we are going to be great friends. I love that.
AND tonight the small group leaders had a meeting at someone's house and since we do not have a church building we have to have childcare at people's houses always and so I sent Adam to the meeting and offered to keep the other leader's children at our house with my friend Autumn. There ended up being 14 kids over here. I was sooo glad my friend Mary Emily decided to stay and help too. It really wasn't that bad; it was just funny. We have a nice sized living room and it felt like no one could move or they would step on someone else :)
sooooo first we let them play inside and then when it got too crazy we took them outside to play and then brought them inside and had the fabulous idea of watching a movie, so Shrek it was!
1 comment:
That does look like a fun weekend! I love all the pictures, the girl look so pretty!! Fun times!
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