Anyway, I decided to get on a few sites tonight and look for invites for both Annabelle and Adelyn's parties. I have a while for Adelyn's party but since it is her first birthday party it will be a huge deal (to me at least) so why not plan early!
I found all of these on and

Ok, this is the story on these two. For Annabelle's first birthday party, I did a princess party. It was funny because I would have never ever imagined myself doing a princess party, not because I am not girly because if you know me you know I am the girliest or girly but because it is so typical and I try to steer clear of typical things usually BUT Annabelle is such a little princess. She is extremely girly and nothing else would have suited her for her first birthday but a princess party and so it had to be done. :) This year, I was trying to come up with a theme for her party and first off I think of the thing she loves the very most in her world and that is, of course, Dora. I am just not sure if we can do the whole Dora party thing. But, I don't want it to be something that just I like, I want it to be something she LOVES especially since she is going to know what is going on this year. So there is the dilemma. (Do I have too much time on my hands or what?) Here are the cutest Dora invites I could find.

And of course I had to include some photos from Annabelle's first birthday party. We had so much fun! I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast.
Can't wait for all the birthdays coming up! Birthdays are seriously my favorite!
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