The girls were being so silly tonight. I just love how they interact these days. I can tell they love each other. It is sweet.
My last post was about our anniversary. For our anniversary Adam brought me these beautiful flowers. They are the prettiest flowers he has ever gotten me.
and he gave me this book of e-mails he has kept that we had written each other while we were dating. Also, he copied the video that was in our wedding and gave it to me. I have been wanting to see it again. These gifts were so great. Adam knows that all I care about is him being thoughtful and he was very thoughtful. I was super impressed!
Adam planned dinner and so he took us to Carrabbas (were we got engaged. He did this on purpose and I thought it was sweet.) We split the steak with marsala sauce and it was one of the yummiest things I had ever eaten!
My camera was acting up and so I had to use my Iphone for pics but this is us at the restaurant.
After dinner, we went to the mall and gave each other five dollars to get each other some type of gift. We both gave each other food...haha! I got Adam this cookie cake greeting card (I cheated it was 10 dollars! :) ) and he got me
a delicious chocolate covered strawberry from Godiva! What can I say, we both like food!!
It truly was a great anniversary. I love it that Adam really got creative with a gift; I just think that is the sweetest! I have to say too that my sweet grandparents always send us money for our anniversary and I appreciate it so much; I know my Nanny reads this blog every day and so I just wanted to tell her thank you. We know you don't have to do that and we are so thankful!
I can't believe next year we will celebrate the big 5 year anniversary! Wow how time flies! I wonder how different life will be then. I hope not too different; I am really enjoying life as it is!! :)
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