Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dance Camp

Yesterday was Annabelle's first day of dance camp. She cried a little and laughed and screamed (this is what she does when she is happy :) ) a lot! I think overall she really liked it. I was so excited to dress her up!! At the beginning of class we went around and introduced all the kiddos and the teacher complimented Annabelle on her pretty outfit. :)

My sweet friend Allie kept Adelyn while Annabelle danced and I was so glad that I did to have to watch both on the first day of camp!

Me and Annabelle on our way to the car to go to class!

Annabelle is learning how to sashay, gallop, touch her toes with her knees straight, stomp, point her toes, and how to have pointed and unpointed toes (or good and bad toes). I am so excited for her to be learning all these fun skills!! Yeah Annabelle! Maybe Annabelle will be a dancer one day and maybe not but whatever Annabelle decides to do I pray I always support her wholeheartedly and always be her biggest cheerleader!


Jenn said...

Aww she looks soo cute in her dance attire! :)

Heather said...

Annabelle looks so sweet in that little tutu!!