So, I think I am giving in and I am actually going to try to update this blog every now and then! I have changed the title from "GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME" to The "Fisher Family." Now don't get me wrong, God really is good all the time but I want to include lots of things about our family so that I can look back and see what has happened with us and so with lack of a better name I reverted to "The Fisher Family," maybe something really creative will come to me but if it doesn't no big deal!
On the subject of God being good all the time I have to say that I am ecstatic that my sister-in-law Cristi is pregnant! Her and her husband, Lawson have been trying to get pregnant for a long time and it is amazing to see how He grants people the desires of their hearts when they seek Him. I know this has been such a growing experience for them and I know that God knew exactly what He was doing making them wait and so I am just so happy for them! It is crazy to think that in the course of a year Annabelle and Adelyn will have at least three new cousins!!! How fun!!
God has also been so good to us lately by blessing us with the birth of sweet Adelyn! Here she is at 8 days old. She is so alert!

This is Adelyn at the doctor's office! I forgot how tiny they are at first!
Many have asked how Annabelle is doing with Adelyn. Annabelle looooves having a baby in the house...almost too much sometimes :) She is learning to be gentle.

This is our family on Christmas morning! We had a great Christmas here in Ohio with Adam's parents, and my mom! My dad, step mom Anita and brother James came to visit the few days before Christmas. So, we feel so blessed to have a lot of our family visiting us and new baby Adelyn for Christmas!!

I am SO GLAD that you will be writing more often! I LOVE reading about how yall are doing. You have two beautiful girls, and I will pray for patience and strength during the initial adjustment. Congratulations!!
yay! i LOVE that you are blogging again!! i'll add you to my blog roll. i blog all the time & its like therapy, plus a good way to keep track of all the things going on with us.
i'm also SO SO SO excited that Christi is pregnant. what a huge blessing & answer to prayer.
adelyn and annabelle are beautiful. i know you are a fantastic mom to them. i can't wait for our chats about life with 2 kids. only 5 1/2 weeks to go for me.
love you & happy new year!
So glad you are blogging again! I can keep up with you guys!
Thanks so much guys! I love keeping up with ya'll too! I am so glad I am really joining the blogging world! :)Oh and thanks so much for the prayers; they are much needed and appreciated right now!
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