Thursday, May 13, 2010

Playdate, Update, and To Live is Christ

Today our good friends Mary Emily and Oliver came over to play. Mary Emily had sent her daughter to Memphis for the week and so we missed Ryley a lot today! Isn't Oliver just the cutest!!

and later this afternoon we had a play-date with one of my friends Autumn and her boys Caleb and Luke. Luke is 2 and a half and Caleb is 8 months and so they are very similar in age. Caleb had severe reflux also and he is just now getting out of it which gives me hope!!

I took these pics of the girls right before we walked out the door. I love them. I put them both up because one is better of Ab and one is better of Ad. Annabelle just looks sooo big in her jeans! She is growing up too fast!!

Also, I wanted to update ya'll (I just love ya'll; I refuse to quit using it) on Adleyn's situation. Adam and I decided to switch her to Almention formula. She is not doing any better as of yet but she has only been on it for a few days; we pray this helps her a little. Thanks again for your prayers! I truly cannot tell you how much it means to me to have such support and encouragement.

On to a new subject, yesterday I was a little down in the dumps. I guess it is just that it has been raining here all week and we had really not been out much and Adam came home and I told him that I needed some more activities for me and for me and the girls. Well, tonight a bible study started at my friend Kim's house (the one who has sweet Maddie who had the heart surgery.) It is a Beth Moore study and I was so excited to go! I had no idea that a new bible study was going on at my church until she texted me today because I was gone on Sunday. So, the bible study is a Beth Moore To Live is Christ and it is already so good and funny and by that I mean that it was filmed 13 years ago and so she her hair and clothes look very dated. I love it. She had on a lime green dress; OK so you just had to see it in person but the study was so awesome. She talked about the Potential Learning Disabilities in the Christian Classroom. These included: Spiritual Attention Deficit Disorder, Spiritual Hyperactivity, Spiritual Dyslexia, Vision Impairment, and Hearing Impairment. I could relate somewhat to all of them but I best related with the Spiritual Attention Deficit Disorder. This involves crying out to God for help and needing Him and being so close through the storm and then immediately forgetting Him when things get better. Beth said that God is not only in the business of rescuing but also in the business of restoring. The time after a storm is such an important learning time and we must not neglect God during this time. She also said that if we suffer from this God often times brings us from crises to crises so He can have our attention. He wants us moment by moment and not crises by crises. Wow. Can I say convicting?!

Another thing that really spoke to me tonight was Beth's discussion of the the Hearing Impairment Disability. Beth explains that we say we want a fresh word from God but we don't really listen to Him through the reading and studying of His word. It says in

Isaiah 50:4-5

4 The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue,
to know the word that sustains the weary.
He wakens me morning by morning,
wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.

5 The Sovereign LORD has opened my ears,
and I have not been rebellious;
I have not drawn back.

Wow. So He could have wanted to give as a "word to sustain the weary" or an encouraging verse or insight for someone we know who we will talk to that day that needs it but if we miss that time with Him we will not have that word for the one who needs it. It also says He wakens me morning by morning to listen like one being taught. This to be speaks of spending time with Him in the morning. I am THE WORST about doing this. I would love to sit here and say, "Well, I don't ever sleep because Adleyn is up and so I need that time to sleep" but come on do I not believe that the God of the universe, the one who made the heavens and the earth can restore my body with the sleep that I miss if I wake up just a tad bit before the kids to spend time with Him?? I know my God can do that; if He couldn't the He wouldn't be God. All I have to do is be faithful to spend time with Him and I know he will give me everything I need to make it through the day and probably more for honoring Him with my time. After this has come up in many conversations and things I have been reading lately I truly feel I am being led to wake up early. If you know how much I love sleep you know this is a huge sacrifice but I am going to do it for the next 10 weeks and see what the Lord does. I cannot wait to find out!

That's all for tonight. I probably need to start going to bed earlier too! So goodnight!


Nicole said...

Sounds like a great study! I haven't done that one--I'll have to look into it! I love Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur!

But anyway, I'm feeling you on the sleep thing...I have the hardest time getting up before my kids--it's one of the biggest battles I face. And mine are sleeping all night so I don't even have that as an excuse! Tell ya what, if you're waking early tomorrow, I will too!!!

Ben and Audrey said...

love you & praying for you. i love when you share what the Lord is teaching you!!

Allie said...

Ashley, I am so glad you came to the bible study. I too and being have a "grumpy" few days and was thinking of not going last night. I know it was Satan trying to keep me from the word. I am glad I went and am thrilled to be on the journey with such a great group of ladies.

Nicole said...

I just gotta tell you what happened this morning! Last night I went to bed, and I usually turn on my alarm for 6:00, and we wake up the kids at 6:30 to get ready for school. Usually I snooze until 6:30 and waste that time though! Last night I intended to set my alarm but for some reason forgot. Then at 5:00 am (!!!) I woke up from a crazy dream I was having. I was wide awake! I turned on my alarm since I noticed it was not on, and tried to go back to sleep. I just couldn't! I started thinking about all God must want to tell me to have me wake up so early! So I got up and had an amazing time with God in the quiet house. :-) I thought that would encourage you!

Ashley Fisher :) said...

Thank you for all the encouragement guys! I love you all!!!

Nicole That is sooo awesome and encouraging!! I love it!! I got woken up at 6:00 by Adleyn too and couldn't go back to sleep and knew I was supposed to get up and also spent some quality time with God this morning and I wouldn't trade sleep for that any day! It was if I can only keep it up! I am just going to pray that God starts waking both of us up to spend time with Him!!!