Thursday, April 19, 2012

Proverbs 31:20 & The Sandbox

Ya'll something in me cannot get over how amazing this verse is and how much of a big deal it should be to me! I think it speaks for itself so I don't want to commentate too much. The neat part about it for me is that for years when I read this chapter of scripture, I thought "poor" simply meant 'people without means' but that is actually not what it means at all in this particular verse from Proverbs 31.

I think about the days that I am consumed in my own problems and life and how opportunities come up for me to "reach out my hands" even in a small way to someone who is afflicted, weak, and humbled by something and I cannot take the opportunity because of my self absorption. Please hear me out, there are times when we all need to take care of ourselves and not reach out to everyone we see. Believe me, I know this first hand but I also know that when we live by the Spirit and follow what the Spirit tells us to do, He will bring people across our path to show the love of Christ in a big or a small way and I need to be sure to be obedient to the Lord and let go of myself for just a minute or so.

This verse in Proverbs 31 just rocks my world for so many reasons! I don't even have the time to write all I am thinking so tell me what ya'll think?! What speaks to you from this verse?

 My girlies are loving the sandbox this year. I "instagrammed" that it is their favorite place on earth right now. :) Love them!!
 {This about sums it up huh?}

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