Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week in Review

 Well, it was just as I suspected... a crazy week. We all managed to make it and actually had lots of fun!!
 Adelyn spent most of the week pretty upset about some teeth she is getting in. It's some of her bottom molars. It looks pretty painful so I don't blame her a bit. I just try my hardest to be patient with the whining!
 I am going to try to do a recap the best I can. :) Monday, we went to the park to have a picnic. It was very hot but we really didn't mind at all. Monday night VBS started! The whole video for VBS can be found here.
 Tuesday, we went to the store after meeting the Kirby Woods team for lunch. This is what happened or I guess I should explain. Adelyn was having a major meltdown and all she wanted to do was to lay on the gross walmart floor so I gave up and I just stood there for what seemed like an eternity to wait for her to get up. It's funny now....not so much then though.
Tuesday night, I decided to take Annabelle with me to VBS because all she could talk about were the puppets all day long since she saw them on Sunday. She had a blast and so she came with me the rest of the week. So fun! I couldn't believe the forecast this past few weeks and especially this week. The weather has been wonderful. Just perfect in my opinion!
 Wednesday, we tried to chill at home and color. Annabelle is working hard on her "A's."
 And I just could not get over how big she looked in this outfit. I guess it was the jeans but she just looked so grown up!

I have been thinking about taking down our baby gate. The only problem is that our stairs are sooo tall, if one of the girls was to fall all the way down them they would most probably get really hurt. I took this video of them playing on the stairs. They just love it! Later in the week, Annabelle pushed Adelyn down the stairs so needless to say, the gate is back up.
 Again, Annabelle had the time of her life. I can't wait until she is really old enough to go!
Wednesday night after VBS, we had SUMMER JAM for the youth group. This was my view from the stage. I had the chance to lead worship again, something I haven't done since the Purity Event. 
I was overwhelmed with emotion and so thankful for the opportunity. I miss leading worship so much but I know I am doing the right things but not doing it right now. I cannot wait to sit and write about all the things I have learned from this season.

 Thursday was the last night of VBS and we were pooped but Friday was my birthday!! YAH!! I got this message from my dad on my birthday and it was so precious to me and I took a picture of it with my phone and had to post it to remember. Sweet memory and sweet birthday this year.
 On Saturday, I ran in the Marysville 5k for pediatric brain tumors. It was so fun. My friend Brandy has gotten me back into running and I am so thankful. I forgot how much I like it! I also thoroughly enjoyed the race setting. I so desire for my focus all to be on Him and it's hard for me with races. Idk. I looked up lots of verses on running that morning in the bible my favorite being Hebrews 12:, "Let us throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles us and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." I decided running is an awesome picture of perseverance in life. I'm still processing this...more to come...
 After the race we ran by the Westbrooks to look at their new beginnings to a patio and Adelyn decided to swing. She is still in her pjs (from daddy keeping her :) ) but she looked so adorable and big! How did my baby get so big so fast!!
This morning the girls actually walked into church by themselves and I had to snap a picture. This is a first ya'll!! After I looked at the picture, I realized it was hilarious. Annabelle insisted on having bows on both sides of her hair (which in my opinion look ridiculous but I was trying to not fight an unnecessary battle this morning.) Adelyn has two cereal bars in her hand because she simply cannot have just one of anything food wise. haha! The memories....
Tonight we spent some good time as a family soaking up the beautiful weather on our new patio (post to come I promise) and watching the girls swim! What a fun and busy week. This week is definitely more relaxed and I am so thankful for some rest.

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