Anyway, we had a ton of fun. We always think it is neat to get to show the girls animals that they never get to see in person but only in books or on TV. They liked the turkeys. They were HUGE!
Yesterday morning when I went to get Annabelle from her room, I told her we were going to the fair and at first she said, "What's that?" and then she said,"I want to ride the cars!"
She remembered the cars from last year! Crazy! And so fun for her and Adelyn to get to ride them together! Last year it was Ab and Ry.
And then of course we had to ride the merry go round!
Annabelle was such a big girl and she rode all by herself! I just stood there just to make sure she didn't fall.And Adelyn liked riding on the seat with me or daddy. Adelyn also found one of her favorite people at the fair...Tammy! She loves her and that is a big understatement!
It was my mission to win the girls a fish and I did!! We got home and I asked Annabelle what she wanted to name it and she said Pascal because that is Rapunzel's little chameleon's name. So cute!
I totally forgot to get a family picture this year which is unfortunate but oh well! The pic above is us last year at the fair. It's so fun that the girls are getting older and that we get to watch them enjoy more things!
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