Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thankful Tuesday

Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of God rule your hearts, to which you have been called in one body, and be thankful.

I'm pretty sure I like taking pictures because they remind me so much of happy moments or moments that I want to be sure to remember. So, today for Thankful Tuesday, I want to write about each of these pictures and why I am thankful for that moment, person, event etc. 

1) Annabelle gave Adam her picture she made in church on Sunday. It was precious.  I am thankful for how good of a dad Adam is to the girls.
2) Adelyn found this BIG bear stuff animal and carried it all over the children's part of the library hugging and kissing it. I am so thankful that she loves animals and is not scared of them like me!

3)I am beyond thankful that God blessed me with two little girls!
4) I am thankful that I got to pay ultimate on Monday again and that I got to chat with these ladies they are all so much fun!!

5) I am thankful for the youth girls who love on my kids and I'm thankful my kids are letting them more and more these days!
6) I am thankful for a husband that is in the word every single morning. What a comfort and example to me.
7) I am thankful that Annabelle stayed in her room all night by herself as a "big girl" in a big girl bed.  (This was her this morning when I went in to check on her; I love it that she took her diaper off and everything. What a cute little booty!)
8) I am so thankful that we got out of the house today and did something fun and that the girls are starting to do better when I take them places by myself!
9) I am thankful that we are to the stage where the girls play and I can actually get things done around the house or in this case, in the garden! I am also thankful that God blessed me with two cuties!
10) I am thankful for being the one that gets to teach the girls and pour my life into them. I am thankful that God has given me such a HUGE job as a stay at home mom. Today, we had a mini science lesson about a worm. (As much of a science lesson as a 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 year old can have! :) )

My heart is full just looking over all of these pictures just from Sunday. No, every day is no easy but we sure do have fun! I am blessed beyond belief!

The first Thankful Tuesday and the reason for it can be found here. 

1 Chronicles 16:8
Give thanks unto the Lord, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the people!!

(TMI:I know this is kinda gross and a little strange probably, but pray for Annabelle, she has a huge sit looking thing on her bottom and it is so gross. It hurts her really bad, she wouldn't even let me carry her at all today, which is soooo unusual for her. We are going to check it in the morning and then see what we should do but I would appreciate your prayers because if we look at it or even get near it, Annabelle starts bawling. :(  )


Ashley McWhorter said...

Love your Thankful post. Especially send it involves lots of pics. :) The thing on her booty might be a staph infection. They treat it with an antibiotic. I have a friends child that gets them a lot in the diaper area frequently.

Olga Marquez said...

As Ashley said, I also, love your thankful Tuesday post(s)! This one was so nice with all the pictures.

I will keep your little one in my prayers =)