Saturday, February 19, 2011

Annabelle's Valentine/ Playing Outside!!!!!

Annabelle made a Valentine in church last Sunday and I just found it on Thursday as I was looking through some things. The directions for the Valentine said that Annabelle was supposed to give it to someone.

I asked her who she was going to give it to and she instantly said, "Daddy" and ran over and gave it to him. It was one of the sweetest things she has ever done. I almost cried!

This was the only picture I got from our Valentine's date but I had to post it! We had a great time going out to eat. It was absolutely wonderful quality time!!

Yesterday we got to go outside and play for the first time!! I am kinda sad that we never got to go out and play in the snow this year. I kept saying we were going to do it and we just never did. Annabelle has never been a huge fan of the snow BUT since it melted and was in the 50's we decided to go and enjoy the day!!!

The girls had so much fun going down the slide!! Adelyn even figured out how to do it all by herself; it was sooooo funny. Adam has a video on his phone so I will try to post it soon!

Annabelle had a great time too and cried and cried when we had to come inside. We even ate a snack at our little table that mom brought me from Arkansas!!

I am getting excited that winter is almost over. It is not going to be warm enough to play outside for a little while but the sun has been shining more lately and I am so glad Spring is almost here!!!

1 comment:

Claire said...

What sweet pictures! I cannot wait for spring!
