Thursday, November 18, 2010

Being Filled with the Spirit

I have been reading Beth Moore's bible study David. I have been doing it alone and have not tried to get any of the videos yet (although I heard they were awesome!) I have enjoyed doing a study by myself and not leaning on anyone else for what I get out of it. I also enjoy group bible study but for right now in my life, this has been good for me.

Adam has been getting up early to go and workout before work and so I asked him to start waking me up so that I could read my bible and if I'm lucky workout and take a shower before the girls get up. It has been working out so well for me. I feel like when I read my bible before I do anything else in my day (except maybe make my coffee) that the Lord helps me focus on Him. I tried to do this awhile ago and loved it but Adelyn was still not doing well and definitely not sleeping and I was soooo tired so I kind of gave it up for a bit and I think the Lord knows what season of life we are in and gives us grace when we need it in those kind of things. Believe me I know that it is not possible for everyone to get up early and I am in no way going to place a standard on everyone else's lives or anything like that; I just know this is good for me and I love it!

So this morning I really got a lot out of the study. I feel like I want to be Spirit filled and act out of being Spirit led all day but the practical side of it is so hard. I have started asking God to empty me of me and fill me with Him every morning. (Does that not remind you of that song the American Idol dude sang..."Empty me of the selfishness inside, every vain ambition, and the poison of my pride and any foolish thing my heart holds to...." SUCH good words.) Also, if I am being honest, I do hold resentment sometimes toward people and do not respect people the way that I know I need to. knowing that I have to honor people as God does is such a great reminder for me today. Anyway, so this morning's study was on David being filled with the Spirit. I jotted down the parts that really spoke to me.

The scripture for the day was 1 Samuel 24:1-22 and verse eleven was highlighted. "Look at the corner of your robe in my hand, for I cut it off, but I didn't kill you. Look and recognize that there is no evil or rebellion in me. I haven't sinned against you even though you are hunting me down to take my life."

4 evidences that David was filled and greatly influenced by the Holy Spirit:

1) David’s conscience was immediately stricken

David could have killed Saul but he didn’t. He even felt like it was wrong for him to have cut off a piece of his robe.

David’s standard for measuring sin was not the wickedness of Saul, but the holiness of God.

2) David met conviction with a change in behavior.

The Holy Spirit always does His job but we don’t always do ours! If we do not fully yield to the Spirit’s influence, we will fight conviction.

If we are filled with the Spirit, conviction will be met with change in behavior.

3) David exercised great restraint.

A moment’s revenge was not worth the cost of alienation from God, not even the revenge we’ve been waiting for and feel so justified to seize.

4) David respected God more than he desired revenge.

David’s incomparable respect for God kept him from making a tragic and costly mistake.
If you are willing to honor a person out of respect for God, you can be assured that God will honor you.

“Several times I’ve been required to honor a person out of honor to God. A very strange thing has happened almost every time I’ve been obedient to God in this area: He has restored my respect for the person I had come to resent. God will always be faithful.”

The results of obedience may differ, but the blessing of you obedience is guaranteed.

I thought this quote was good too: "The only way to get through a window God doesn't open is to break it yourself. This is one window that is sure to leave you injured!!."

Isn't that sooo good!!! Love me some God's word and some Beth Moore.

Hope ya'll have a good day!!


Ashley said...

Love that post ;) and I love me some Gods word and Beth too!!!!

Heather said...

Ashley, thank you so much for sharing this!!! I loved it.

Ashley McWhorter said...

Love that study! Get the videos! They are great!!!