Sunday, October 24, 2010

Last Week Recap

Our week started last Monday with an AWESOME surprise from my aunt Janice. She sent me and Annabelle some new winter shoes!! She sent Adelyn some last year that just now fit her and so she didn't need any new ones.
Aunt Janice lives in Alaska and she knows what being cold, really cold, is like and so she wants to keep our feet warm! Isn't that sweet! We LOVE them and we are so thankful for her!

Aren't they the cutest!!

We had a playdate on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and so we got up and got dressed every day! (We just don't always do this...don't judge :) )

Oh in the picture above you can sort of see Adelyn's boots; they are super cute too!

On Tuesday night we had a meeting with all the staff and staff wives at our church to discuss some things and Annabelle helped me make some "healthy" cookies after her nap. It was fun for both of us!

I love these little shirts from Target but they are both already a little small on the girls. :(

This is Annabelle's "Am I in trouble face?" haha

And this is me before our dinner trying to get a picture of all of us....ha is all I can say. Just thought the picture was funny so I had to post it!

But those are so cute of Daddy and his girlies!!

On Wednesday we spent some time outside. It was a beautiful day!!

We also got to visit the girls favorite place twice, once for a play date and once to eat with daddy (and play on the play ground of course) before youth group.

Adelyn wants to eat the leaf.....everything goes in her know how it is at this age!

Annabelle's so silly. Sometimes she gives me these cheesy smiles!

We also had a tea party that day. Of course Adelyn only gets the pieces Annabelle says she can have and I am just thankful that Adelyn doesn't really know what is going on! haha!

They love to sit at the table outside together! It's so cute!

Thursday we went to "Wee Praise" which is this new little thing a friend at my church puts on at her house where we sing and do a craft and learn something from the bible. It was about Zachius and Annabelle loved it.

Annabelle likes to crawl around with the baby sometimes; it's pretty funny!

That afternoon I kept my friend Maly's kids so that she could move! Everybody had lots of fun!

Annabelle and Ryley obviously love each other which is nice!

And there may be some crushing going on from these too as well! hahaha!

I LOVE these pictures. I feel like 10 years from now we are going to look back and think they are funny!! It actually wasn't bad at all keeping all the kiddos. I posted on facebook that I just might have me 4 kiddos now! haha. For now, two is good though!!

Friday, Adam spent all day helping Maly and James move and then Friday night we went on a date and I actually did not take any pictures believe it or not!! I guess we were having too much fun :) We went to Panara (which I ALWAYS love!!) and then we went to get our favorite ice cream at Graters because we figured we won't be getting ice cream anymore since it is getting so chilly and then we went to Starbucks and just hung out. It was really nice quality time. I love my husband so much and I am so thankful for how special he makes me feel.

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