Saturday, September 4, 2010

Whoooooo PIG SOOIE!!

Annabelle picked up on how to call the hogs pretty quick; daddy was SUPER proud! :)

Funny story, one night we were in small group for our church and I had a Razorback t-shirt on and I was telling everyone we were going to have to teach AB to call the hogs soon and I proceeded with, "Whoooo Pig Sooie." Someone (whose name goes unmentioned) said, "You guys don't really say 'pig sooie' do you???"

These Ohioans have a lot to learn!!!! :)

The razorbacks are looking good tonight, looks like it could be a super exciting season this year! We sure are excited at our house!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That video clip made me smile so big. We called the hogs with Spencer this morning and he just laughed and laughed. He wouldn't do it himself, but he kept telling us to do it "more! more!"