Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lala & Presley's Visit

Lala, Britney, and Presley came to visit for Annabelle's birthday and I was sooo glad! I really wish I would have gotten more pictures but hey I did get some so I will enjoy them!

Lala spent LOTS of time playing with the girlies! She was excellent at always having something for them to do!

On Saturday, Annabelle was begging and begging Lala for cake and so we gave her some of the cupcake that Gigi and Gepaw sent her.

This is Annabelle before the cupcake....hahaha!

Sweet Lala here to spoil. :)

The night of the party, Presley took a bath with Annabelle and Adelyn. It was pretty funny! Both girls just wanted to play with Presley! It was so cute!

I can't believe this little sweetie is already a year old! I was there the day she was born and time has just flown by!

I can't wait to see Presley and the girls play together one day! They are going to be great friends!

Thank you Lala, Britney, and Presley for making the trip for Annabelle's birthday party! We were so excited you could come and we had so much fun while you were here.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh so fun!! Love the pic of the girls in the bathtub. Such fun memories made and that cupcake has my mouth watering now!