We had company (@evanlogan) Ok. I just have to insert a story here. I just joined twitter (@ashleyeafisher) and I LOVE it! Kelly said I would be addicted and she was sooo right; I am big time! So anyway, before I joined twitter Adam and I brought up a couple of times why in the world everyone thought it was cool to call everyone else @and their name. We thought it was so silly...until....I got on twitter and we figured out that this is people's twitter names. haha...we were just clueless! Gotta love our ignorance of Twitter! So back to my original story, we had company and so we had been staying up way to late and still had to get up so early with the girls and so we were just sooo tired getting on the rode early. We left early because our plan was to get to Memphis in enough time for us to visit with my parents and then go to Adam's parents to see his family all before 7:00 Memphis time when the girls go to sleep!
The Cincinnati skyline. I was sooo wishing I could stop and see Miss Presley and her mama at that point but we couldn't stop because again we had to make it in time to see both parents!
Sweet Adelyn slept a bit.
and Annabelle played, colored, read, and watched DVD's.
What a cute smile.
We found some McDonald's on the way; which were a much needed relief (although Adam only let us stay for about 10 minutes max!)
and finally...
slept a bit.
When we got there Annabelle was more than ready to get out of the car! She had a blast playing in the driveway.
Annabelle tried playing basketball with daddy.
Gigi, Gepaw, Annabelle, and Adelyn
Gigi and her girls!
On Friday morning, Adam and I got up and went to breakfast (sans kiddos!) with the Nuckolls! We had so much fun talking and catching up in person! We love them!!
After that, we went to the church we last served in FBCOB to a consignment sale! I found some GREAT stuff for Annabelle for winter AND
I got to see some old friends. This is Mrs Jill; she was one of my favorite people at FBCOB! I miss her!
I also got to see Miss Molly Mills. She was DRIVING!! I couldn't believe it because I taught her in 7th and 8th grade Sunday School and now she is all grown up!! I really enjoyed seeing her!
I got to hold sweet Braley when we got to Memphis. I had never met this little doll before and every time I held her she just fell right to sleep! I loved it!! She was just the most precious!!
Annabelle and I ran to Target to get some things for the 40 or so people that were coming for dinner.
Adelyn played at the house while we were gone. This was before she got sick.
On Friday, (I think) Jess and her sweet little girl Kaylee came over to play! Jess is so sweet; she is 38 weeks pregnant and she came to me which just made my day! I also just adore her little girl. We had babies 3 months apart and always discuss the phases we are going through with our girls and it really helps having a friend like her to relate to! Also, she is having another girl so our lives continue to parallel!! I love it!
Kaylee and Adelyn
Kaylee and Annabelle. Isn't that curly hair the cutest!!!!
I am so glad we made it to Memphis and that I got to see my sweet friend and her doll of a little girl Kaylee. I left my camera in Memphis so I got a few pictures in between here of some other things so I will have to do another post on that later. My type 'a'ness does like that but oh well...life goes on!! :) Many more posts on Memphis to come!
I am not on twitter. Maybe I should be. Hmmmmm..... My friends all are and just love it! :)
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