Jenny and me. She looked so beautiful and sang the best song in the ceremony which me, Crystal, Jenny, and Drake all bawled through.
Gorgeous flowers
Sweet little Bella was the flower girl; she was too cute for words!
Sweet friends and pledge sisters
The bride and groom :) They didn't see each other before the ceremony so it was so sweet to see his face when she walked it; he was so excited!
Crystal and Nick again. Rachel and Stephen met at their wedding last summer!
me and style being silly. There are few people that I know that can make me really silly but she and my some of my other pledge sisters (i.e. Drake the doctor) bring out the silliness in me for sure!
One of the grooms cakes; the officiant joked in the wedding that they might have problems during football season because Rach is a "hardcore" AR fan and Stephen obviously went to Auburn and is an Auburn fan.
cutting the cake
just beautiful
first dance
We took 2 chi delta pictures because everyone was not in the first one.
me and the beautiful bride. We think it is funny that Rachel and my friend Kelli (who I know is reading this....I love you Kelli!!!!!) both have thier doctorates and so since we graduated college in 06 I have had two kids and they have thier doctorates. It is just funny how our lives are so different but such a test of a true firndship because although our lives are so different we still love each other keep up with each other the best we can and definitly just pick up right where we left off when we get together! I love it that they don't ditch me as a friend because I am at home with my babies while they are prominate doctors!! :)
I had soo much fun in Hot Springs at Rachel and Stephen's wedding! I am already getting very excited about Jen's wedding in February!! Yah for friends getting married and living happily ever after!
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