Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Favorite Toys & The Fair!

My dad and Anita sent a whole set of musical instruments for the girls to play with. They LOVE them especially the piano. It is a good thing to help teach Annabelle about sharing since Adelyn really can play with it and loves it.

love that sweet face

Tonight after Adam got off work we went to the fair with our friends the Mosley's and the Borgerding's. We had a lot of fun.

Annabelle was scared of most of the animals up close, surprise surprise, but she loved them from a distance and if any of them were laying down she pointed to them and said, "night, night...night, night." It was funny.

Adelyn loved to stroll; Annabelle on the other hand wanted out almost immediately.

Annabelle LOVES Ryley; she was saying her name all day and I kept telling her that we were going to see her tonight at the fair. Of course Annabelle didn't remember what a fair was but she was beyond excited to see and play with Ryley tonight.

Merm and Oliver

Tabitha and the little baby. They are our new friends and I don't remember this little guys name. She is a mother of four, four in five years to be exact! Isn't she the cutest!!

Adelyn and Daddy

Annabelle loved this marry go round. She rode it twice, once with daddy and once with me

and Daddy and Annabelle went down a giant slide

and Ryley and Annabelle rode this car ride. We were all joking saying they really are going to be driving away in a car one day. Weird thought!! I don't know if I really want that to happen! After every one of these rides Annabelle cried and cried because we would not let her go on it again and again; I would have loved to but the tickets cost money and so we just did as many as $5.00 would let us and them we had to go home and get the kiddos in bed.

This is the best family picture we could get. I really love these people! :)

and this is last year's picture at the fair with Annabelle and Adelyn in my tummy. My, how things have changed since then.

Adam and Annabelle on the carousel last year

and Annabelle looking at the bunnies last year.

Aww soo fun! Annabelle just loved it so much more this year! I can't wait to go again next year.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey Ashley, thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is so cute too, you have a beautiful family! These are great pictures, lots of fun memories!!