Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Our Memphis Visit #2

Tuesday, Annabelle and I went to the Ditto's for a play date with Kaylee and Jess. The girls had so much fun! They were so cute together! Kaylee is such a doll; I just loved her cute curly hair!! We moved right when Kaylee was born so Annabelle and Kaylee haven't gotten to play much so we were just so excited to get to go and spend time with our friends!

After our play date, I met Morgan for lunch at McAllister's!!! It was soooo yummy!! Hmm I can still taste that honey mustard! We are not very good at talking on the phone and so it was really good to talk to her in person. I miss that sweet girl! After lunch and after taking my car to the shop because my air conditioning went out while I was in Memphis, we went back to the Fishers to see the girls and Bethany came over to visit with the girls too!

Adleyn loved everyone of course and Annabelle was a little more skeptical or should I say shy maybe but she came around a little bit as time went on!

After naps, my brother came to pick me up and we went to visit my grandparents and dad. Papa loves babies and he had a good time hold Adelyn and watching Annabelle run around.

Annabelle is such a goober! She really wants to be a big girl already!

Adleyn and Dad

Annabelle was fascinated by the organ at Mimi and Papa's house. I wonder if she is going to be a piano player like her daddy?

Of course we had to get a group picture! Annabelle just loved Mimi. She would run over to her chair and say, "Mimi, Mimi!" and run away.

This is sweet Adleyn when we got home. She is so cute when she sleeps!

Tuesday was a busy busy and super fun day!

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