Monday, January 11, 2010

I love my church

It is snowing again. I wake up every day and think,"It can't snow again today" but it does! At least my hormones are still somewhat out of whack and I am still hot most of the time like when I was pregnant!

Our weekend was great! I absolutely love it that our church is so generous and is bringing us meals every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday! I could not ask for a better church family!! Friday the Phillips family brought us an awesome roast with veggies and homemade chocolate chip cookies. The roast was delicious! I opted not to have cookies (because I am trying not to eat dessert) but Adam said they were great!! So far we have had cheesy potato soup with broccoli, rolls, and marshmallow brownies from the Westbrooks, cheese enchiladas and brownies from the Lucas', pork chops with mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, salad, and some sort of dessert (I cant remember:) ) from the Reignharts!! Doesn't that sound great and tonight Merm is bringing us dinner!! I can't wait to see what it is!! So, I got a little excited about all that and got distracted from what I was talking about! So, we had a good weekend and it started with an excellent home cooked meal that I didn't have to cook!!

Saturday we decided we were going to hang out with the Moseleys and so the guys went sledding and Merm, Ryley, and a girl from the youth group named Jessica came over and hung out. Annabelle has so much fun when Ryley's here! I wish I could have gotten a picture of them. Annabelle decided to run in circles around her; it was too cute! After the boys got back we all went to eat at Conway's barbecue. It is the barbecue place in town. I got a big barbecue salad with honey mustard dressing on the side. It was awesome!! The girls were kinda crazy but that's how it is when you have kids so what can you expect. If I was one I wouldn't want to sit down for that long either! Then we came back to the house and went to bed early!!!! I know this might not sound exciting to some but to be it is heaven to get to go to bed early right now!! I fed Adelyn at 8ish and put her down and was asleep by 10:00!!!

I made it to church yesterday and it was so good to go to corporate worship and get to fellowship with people from Living Hope. Getting both girls dressed and out the door was interesting and challenging but we did make it and on time I might add. I am kind of a time Nazi and with kids it gets harder and harder but being five minutes early is just one of those things that I love to do! (I know the weirdest things make me happy.) Sweet Annabelle had a hard time in the nursery again. She was crying before I even got her to her room but the nursery workers are so great and Mrs. Carol was in there this week and she said she held Annabelle the whole time! (like I said they are great!!!) I left Annabelle lots of Teddy Grahams to keep her occupied. On a side note let me say that there was a time in life where I thought that I would never give my kids Teddy Grahams and especially not offer them as many as they needed to keep them happy but let me tell you I was wrong! Never say "never" especially if you are a parent. Another lesson I learned through doing things that I never thought I would do is to never judge another mom because you have no idea what she is going through! I used to be that person that thought, "Why can they not get their kid to be quiet." Well, now I know that you cannot always get your kids to be quiet and so I make it a point not to judge. :) Anyway, back to Sunday, after I dropped Annabelle off I got to go and sit on the back row and listen to the sermon! Yeah! It was good! Jeremy always challenges us. One thing he always talks about is the great commission. One of his quotes is, "You cannot want both the American Dream and the Great Commission." Now, there is lots to say on that but I will just leave it at that today. We all made it home in one piece and we had some Apricot Chicken that my wonderful MIL made us from the freezer! We relaxed and rested for the rest of the day, exactly what Sundays are supposed to be like (in my opinion!)

Let me just say again, I love my church family! I know God sent us here to be with these people. It is so neat that most of the people in our church have young kids, lots of them less than two years apart and so I feel like I can relate to a lot of women! You know how when you first move somehwere you feel all funny like you never think you could feel like this place is home? I sure did feel that way when we moved to Marysville last January but I really do feel extremely blessed to say that I feel at home in Marysville and at Living Hope! Thank you Jesus!!

I have to leave you with some sweet sister pics from today: (In the last one Annabelle is kissing Adelyn not body slamming her :) )

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Ashley, Your girls are precious! I love reading about them