Adam always baths Annabelle for me. It is like my break for the day and usually I just relax but now we have Adeyn and so I thought it would be fun if Adelyn and I went upstairs to join Annabelle and Adam in our tiny guest bathroom for a family bathtime :) where Adam would bath Annabelle in the bath tub and I would bath Adelyn in the sink. Well, for some reason both babies started crying almost immediatly and would not stop. Instead of wanting to pull my hair out, I look at Adam and started laughing and he did the same; we just looked at each other like, "Is this really our life?!?" Anyway, both babies are asleep for now and everything has obviously died down a bit. My mom told me one time when I was having a bad day with Annabelle that "The days are long but the years are short," and I try to remember this when I am having a hard time. I am glad though that Adam and I have each other to go through these things with and can just laugh sometimes at things like that sometimes. I really don't know how people make it as single parents; I really admire them!
Oh, I forgot to write and say that Adelyn had an appointment with the doctor on Thursday and her jaudice appeared to be a lot better. They did not even make us go to the hospital to get her blood taken and they told me that I do not have to pump anymore!! So, I am so happy that sweet Adelyn is ok and that we can go back to breastfeeding exclusively (unless I need a bottle every now and then in the middle of the night :) )
I wanted to write today about some things I would like to accomplish in the year 2010. I am a bit of a type A personality. (If you know me, you are probably laughing beacuse it is so true.) I say that to tell you that I am a bit of a goals person but I have been hesitant to make tons of goals this year because I hate it when I can't accomplish things I set out to do and at this time in my life I do not know what each day will bring and if I will have the time I need to accomplish these goals but I know it is good to make goals and have something to strive for so here goes. Wait, before I start I have to preface these goals with the acknowledgement that I can do nothing, I mean nothing on my own. I need Christ to work through me to even get through the day. So with that said, some things I would like to accomplish in 2010 include:
1) read the bible in a year
My dad challenged me to do this when I was younger and I did two years in a row and then stopped. Lately I have been struggling with how to spend my time alone with God and our pastor challenged our whole church to do this so I am jumping on board.
2) finish memorizing colossians
I have wanted to memorize the book of Colossians for 4 years now and have just now started memorizing it with an accountability partner, a godly woman, Carol Wiley. We finished chapters 1& 2 before I had Adelyn and so we have chapter 3 & 4 left. I truly know it is by God's grace and with His power that I have been able to do this because I am a horrible memorizer! We hope to get started again whenever I can get enough sleep to think properly.
3) gain patience with my husband
I plan on praying about this daily and memorizing and studying verses on the subject.
4) pray for my family daily
5) get creative in thinking of ways to serve Adam
Adam's love language is "acts of service" and coincidently this is my worst love language to give and so I have to make a conscious effort to serve him and need to think of more ways to serve in order to love him the way he likes to be loved.
6)spend time every day teaching Annabelle
I want to spend time every day teaching Annabelle something as far as words, letters, numbers, colors, and all about Jesus.
7)learn to sew and embroider
I got a sewing and embroidering machine for Christmas from my dad and step mom and I need to learn to properly use it so I am make clothes etc for my girls.
8) lose 10-15 lbs
I have 10 lbs to lose from having Adelyn and I still had five from having Annabelle so I would love to lose all of this weight.
9) run again
Once upon a time I was actually a runner, that is, before I became pregant for 20 of the last 26 months! I would love to start this hobby back up again especially since my husband got me a treadmill!
I know one day I will be gald to have a record of what happened in our family and so I would like to keep up with blogging. Also, I started another blog. (I hope I am not getting way in over my head.) I started the second blog for my sisters in law that are expecting because I have so many thoughts and things that I wish someone would have told me before I had a baby. (The blog can be found at http://www.blogfortheexpecting.wordpress.com if you are interested.)
Anyway, I am going to try to get some sleep now! Night!
great post!!
i was cracking up when you were talking about both girls crying during baths. i know what that is like. jovie isn't here yet but i've had one of those days with Jack. there are times that i just pray for bed time!!!!
but i love the saying "the days are long but the years are short". its so true. i'm trying so hard to enjoy every moment, even the hard ones, with Jack. i want to remember everything about his childhood. these times are so precious.
i did a similar post with things that i want to accomplish in 2010. one of mine was be a better servant to ben. i struggle with that too.
i love you & can't wait for one of our chats again soon!! keep up the blogging, you're doing great!!
Great goals! A lot of them are similar to mine. Good luck with the running! You can do it!! The weight will fall off once you start:) You look great!
I am really glad that you are back to blogging. That's all.
I miss you :)
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